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                HMHG-IV series harmonic drive
                HMHG-IV series harmonic drive
                • HMHG-IV series flexible gear belongs to hollow flanging standard structure. The wave generator cam has its own Input shaft and here is suppor t bearing inside the reducer. The reducer is fully sealed and easy to install,especially suitable for the situation where there is a need to install bear gear or synchronous belt drive on input end.
                • Product features
                  1. Can correspond to multiple input forms
                  2. Compact and simple design
                  3. No backlash
                  4. Input and output coaxial
                  5. Excellent positioning accuracy and rotation accuracy

                Parameters Dimensions HMHS-14-XX-IV HMHS-17-XX-IV HMHS-20-XX-IV HMHS-25-XX-IV HMHS-32-XX-IV